Friday, 1 April 2016

Beef & Plum Sauce Sausage rolls

When it is school holidays we tend to roll out a few easy faves here.
My kids EAT and EAT and EAT.
But I love to do some lunches that feel like a bit of a special treat. Holiday food if you will.

These Beef & Plum sauce sausage rolls are my eldest lads absolute fave thing in all the land.

I have posted a couple of other Sausage roll recipes previously- A Pork & Chorizo one and also a Spinach and Cheese one.
You can find them both by clicking here.

I love making variations on Sausage rolls and when I made these about 6 months ago for the first time my eldest pronounced eagerly that these were his favourite thing ever!

You can make them and see for yourself!

Really anything wrapped in Puff pastry is going to be delish isn't it?
Well in my world that is true.....
These are no exception. And can be made in large batches and frozen- we never have any left over to do that!
The key here (like anything you make!) is to use the very best ingredients you can.
Homemade Plum sauce will make this even more scrumptious.

What you will need:

  • 1kg Organic beef mince
  • 1 cup Plum sauce + some extra for dipping
  • 4 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 1 inch knob of Ginger, grated.
  • 1/2 bunch fresh coriander, chopped finely
  • 4 sheets of puff pastry
  • egg wash
  • sesame seeds
Preheat oven to 175C

It is as easy as mooshing the mince with the Plum sauce, chopped coriander, garlic & Ginger.
It will be very smooshy- don't worry.

I slice each puff pastry into two halves and lay the mince mix in a line along one side of the puff, roll over and brush with egg wash.

Slice into desired size and sprinkle with sesame seeds

Lay on some baking paper on an oven tray- repeat until all mix done.

Place into oven and cook for 25mins or until nicely brown.

Let cool and dip into Plum sauce.

Here is his pick of tunes for you to listen to.
My kids love Jazz and my eldest is a Jazz drummer- hence the interest.
This track is from some ace Australian Jazz musicians.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Chez GG on The Design Files


It's been months' since I wrote in this space.
2015 got the better of me for many reasons & in many ways.
I will share more on that another time.
It's safe to say that a little break from here did me the world of good but it's lovely to be back.
I have made some very big and very difficult decisions in order to reclaim myself and to make this year a better one.

I am hoping I *may* have a little more time to write some more here- I have missed writing.

So- thanks for sticking around if you are still here & WELCOME if you are new!
The way things work is that each post varies- some have recipes, some have thoughts and a recipe, some just have thoughts- but ALL have a music video at the end.
Music is interwtined into every little ounce of my being (and now my children's too) and so I feel it is important to share that part of me here too.

I hope 2016 is a better one! I know it is March but I feel as though I am only just feeling as though the changes I have made are starting to have their desired impact for me so it feels like a kind of beginning.
This is a good thing. I missed being able to be me.

In the meantime come over and hang at my place.
Last year the Design Files did a feature on our house and I totally forgot to share it with you here! Sorry about that- how rude!
You can check out the entire feature via this link.

Coffee or Tea?
And cake is a given

Today I am sharing a fave Calexico track.
We took our big 3 to see them play live at Hamer Hall last week- it was their Xmas gift that they have been patiently waiting for.
It was so brilliant to see our Music loving kids come away even more excited about playing music. That is why going to live music is so so good.